
Words are vital in any relationship. It is often said to be the major instrument of communication and a potent means to express our feelings, thoughts, and emotions. I will say one of God’s greatest gifts to man is not just to make sounds and signs but the ability to speak. But how well do we maximize the power of this unique gift from God? To what extent have we made the world around us a better place through our words? How intense is the brightness that proceeds from our words to dispel gloom in the heart of those around us?

You see, words are so important Jesus calls Himself “the word.” The Bible says in John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” That is, God’s words are not just a combination of alphabets and syllabus but a supernatural mystery. That is why it is the heaviest weight in the world.

Hence, the need to know how powerful God’s word is and how you can align your word to command similar authority and exploits. Remember, Psalm 82:6 says, “Ye are gods, and all of you are children of the most High.” So through this 30 days devotional, I will be sharing with you supernatural insights into the blessings of God’s word and how you can apply the same principle in your words. I believe that at the end of this experience, your words would have been shaped and sharpened to influence the world around you.

Let’s dive in!