Now Make Sure You're Fluent in the Language of Marketing in the 21st Century!
- Do you know the difference between cold traffic vs. hot traffic-and the best ways to convert each?
- Are your content writers serving you warmed over "Google goulash?"
- Are you elevating your response rates by strategically deploying "dominant resident emotion" and the "core buying complex"?
- Can you double or triple the leads and sales you are now getting through your "sales funnel"?
In the digital era, marketing is evolving with lightning speed. And the language of marketing is changing right along with it. Now, with the Marketing Dictionary for the 21st Century, Second Edition, you can quickly bring your marketing vocabulary up to date ... understand what colleagues and vendors are talking about ... and show others that your marketing knowledge is on the cutting edge. You'll also improve your understanding of key marketing concepts, methods, and tactics-from affinity marketing and attribution, to zero-party data and zip code analysis. So that you can multiply your sales and profits, across all digital and traditional marketing channels, as never before!