It's Not Just Acne

Do you feel like you've tried everything for acne and have been left feeling frustrated and helpless? Have you forgotten what it's like to have clear skin? Have you wondered if you'll have to deal with acne for the rest of your life? Are you tired of being on an endless hamster wheel of one treatment after the next and trying every new skincare product that comes out? Are you tired of guessing? Would you like to understand what's going on in your body and have real answers? Wouldn't it be great to finally have lasting relief?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, Dr. Shayna Peter's It's Not Just Acne is for you. This guide shares powerful strategies to pinpoint root causes behind acne and actionable steps to achieve lasting relief. This work represents hope, answers, listening to your body & digging deeper.

In This Book You'll learn:

  • The complexity of acne as not just a skin condition but an immune system imbalance and the most common root causes.
  • How to build an acne-fighting skincare arsenal to zap breakouts overnight and do damage control when necessary.
  • How to take your regimen to the next level if you've seen improvement with skincare but you still have remaining stubborn breakouts.
  • How to identify not only which supplements are good for acne but which supplements are right for you.
  • How to step outside of the one-size-fits-all approach & pinpoint the root causes behind your acne.

It's Not Just Acne is a comprehensive resource that will help you heal acne from the inside out.