And Give You Peace

How do you survive when the desperate action of a loved one has shattered your family? In this compelling novel, a young woman, Anastasia Dolarn, courageously examines her seemingly normal childhood to uncover the motivations behind an unspeakable tragedy. Jessica Treadway flawlessly portrays the complexity of human experience in the face of incomprehensible loss, revealing yet again why the New York Times Book Review has called her "a writer with an unsparing bent for the truth."

"I know of few authors who can write with the intelligence, sensitivity, and grace of Jessica Treadway. I know of none who can write with such courage. And Give You Peace teaches us how--and why--to look at what we're afraid to see. We emerge redeemed."--Elizabeth Berg

"And Give You Peace is a rarity--a novel that is at once riveting, moving, insightful, and smart. I read this beautiful book on a day on my porch, oblivious to the phone and mail, unwilling to put it aside for anything."--Chris Bohjalian

"Jessica Treadway has a terrifying tale to tell--but her vision is os fierce and true, her compassion for people so remarkable, that I felt I must keep reading. Through the grace of her story, we shared a jouirney of the spirit. Memory has the power to conjure the dead, to shatter the soul or to heal it. I kenw if I kept my faith, this courageous writer would help me explore the most intimate betrayals, and together we might find a way to endure a family's most devastating losses."--Melanie Rae Thon

"Jessica Treadway's story collection, Absent Without Leave, was one of the best works of fiction of the '90s. In this brilliant novel, she broadens her scope and plunges into the deepest and sometimes tragic mysteries of family life. Please, read this book."--Christopher Tilghman

Jessica Treadway is a native of upstate New York and formerly a reporter for United Press International. She teaches creative writing and literature at Emerson College in Boston.