The Biosciences Glossary offers over 2,000 definitions and abbreviations commonly used in the biosciences, along with 80+ chemical structures, links to 50 supporting videos, and additional information on key biochemicals.
This glossary is for any student studying bioscience, biomedical or life sciences.
The book is for high (secondary) school students and above, as well as those pursuing advanced degrees such as Master’s (MPhil, MSc, MRes, etc.) and Doctoral (DPhil).
If you study any of the biosciences, then this glossary is for you.
When I was a student, one of my go-to books was a glossary of terms, which is no longer in print. I used the glossary when I was learning new material to look up things I didn’t understand and to remind myself of things I had previously learned. I found it an invaluable learning tool.
As I couldn’t find a suitable glossary for today’s students, I wrote one.