10,000 Miles of Miracles
註釋Carol Jones Hasbrouck tells her true-life adventure of following her Inner Voice on an Unknown Path and finding only goodness along the way. She and her roomie, Joyce Claflin, drove 10,000 miles, serving others while staying with perfect strangers and old friends. That Unseen Force, which always shows up when we listen and obey our calling, tagged along for the ride. They named themselves 'Dames Gone Wild' and had quite the following of angels, media, and fans. They served 30 organizations and bunked with 26 host families. This life-changing journey is forever etched into their hearts and souls. Read their powerful story of trust, intuition, and guidance?and the surprise of a lifetime from a 101-year-old man named Mannie. It just had to come out on paper to reveal the miracles, signs, and wonders that crossed their path. Find out what taking a proverbial 'leap of faith' can do for you too. Your life will never be the same after reading about theirs.Carol Jones Hasbrouck is a lifelong learner of Truth, Growth, and Staying on the Path. She is grateful to know that her God-Given purpose is to write, teach and share what she has learned along the way. This book ended up in your hands by Divine and Perfect Order. Carol would love to hear from you about how this book touched your life. She can be reached on Facebook at 10,000 Miles of Miracles.