Some say she walked amongst the animals, considering many ways to train them, to shape them in her image. You will never see her. She will never speak to you. Amelia is imaginary, and you’ll never get to know her.
A story told in two parts.
Publishers, pushed out of their profession, become oil rig operators to repudiate their past lives. After Henry Hilberts and Ian Fitzroy lose their jobs at a publishing house, the duo discovers the deed to the mighty Vousa: an oil rig stationed far from the mainland. Jobless and alone, the duo decide to become amateur rigmasters, dominating the South Side sea.
Lovers Anderson and Mel travel to the East Side for a vacation. Unbeknownst to them, rebels have begun to forcefully recruit citizens into their fold. Stolen from their country, Anderson and Mel must decide whether to adapt to life as a refugee or die, enemies of the enemies of the government.
I wrote this for myself, editing it for others. Thanks to all who put up with my ridiculous workload. I kept working until I couldn’t work any longer, and then worked a little bit more to get this thing published before completing my university semester. Without that arbitrary time constraint, this might have never happened.