Memoirs of World War I
"from Start to Finish of Our Greatest War."
出版Random House, 1960
註釋"In this first complete version of a serial originally run in Liberty in 1928, General ""Billy"" Mitchell tells his own story of the first World War. Sent to Spain on a military mission in 1916, Mitchell was ordered to join Allied forces in France immediately upon America's entry into the War. Thus he became the first U.S. officer on active duty at the front. The journal he kept was later expanded during leisure time forced on him by his famous court martial. And because the transition was not done in a consciously literary style, much of the brutal impact and immediacy of war stays put. Trench warfare, technical observations, the organization of America's famed ""hat-in-the-ring"" fighter squadron count for much of the contents. And in the manner which was later to annoy so many superiors, Mitchell already begins pounding home the lessons of a new kind of war brought by bomber, tank and submarine. Although Mitchell's comments on the many famous generals around him may hardly be objective, they do shed further light on the personalities which shaped the first of the global conflicts."--Kirkus Reviews.