The Will to be True
註釋There is a great divide between Classical music and Pop/Rock with many musical genre filling the in between space. Before the Beatles came on the scene back in the 60's, Country Music filled the great divide. It has a way of telling a story in a short yet meaningful way. One of my favourite songs was the Hank Locklin hit, 'Please Help Me I'm Falling'. It arrived my curiosity. I wanted to find a situation in which someone would need to beg for help because they were 'losing the will to be true.' I have always wanted to bring that story to life. Daphne DuMaurier did it in 'Frenchman's Creek' and recently a similar story was retold in 'Bridges of Madison County'. This story is my twist on that theme. Each writer will have their own thoughts about ending the complexities of this type of challenging relationship. It was important to have my own resolution to a troubling and tortuous but not uncommon love story.