The Time Is Near

The Time Is Near, the second and final volume of a paired set, builds upon the foundations laid in the first volume to offer a comprehensive and systematic interpretation and explanation of the final book of the BibleRevelation. The author, Ian Foley, summarizes the findings of the first volume before turning to an exploration of this often misunderstood biblical book.

This volume explains how two books of apocalyptic literature, Daniel and Revelation, have similar structures, display similar styles of writing, and offer seamlessly connecting content. The benefit of this comparison comes in recognizing that the ambiguities and confusions of meaning that typically accompany readings of Revelation fade away. The reader then receives a clear view of a complete prophetic picture of Gods plan for his world, stretching from 605 BC to the end of this age and beyond.

In its thirty-two parts, The Time Is Near presents concise statements of position that begin with Daniel, dwell on Jesus and Paul, and then focus primarily on Revelation. By offering this overall summary of a clear word of prophecy and by supporting it with immersion in the Bible and reflection on historical events, The Time Is Near invites readers reflection and testing. In a time in which the worldwide church faces great challenges, The Time Is Near speaks clearly of refreshingly new insights that will help Christians to face those challenges and to resolve their uncertainties about the meaning of Revelation for this world and the next.