The Judas Kiss
Psychotherapy Sessions with the Man Who Saved the Planet
出版Austin Macauley Publishers, 2024-03-28
主題Fiction / Dystopian

Embark on an epic journey that defies genre, seamlessly blending elements of dystopian and historical fiction while traversing time, from Eden’s ancient gardens to the enduring enclaves of the USSR, and even further, to celestial chambers scattered among the stars.

The Judas Kiss offers you a spellbinding odyssey that navigates through epochs and landscapes, unified by the presence of a mysterious child. Could he be an Armenian boy orphaned by the Spitak earthquake, a Yazidi warrior lost in a maze of time, or even an angel on a divine mission?

Witness the biblical wanderings of Moses and the poignant tribulations of a Soviet émigré. Explore clandestine labs and remote Central Asian villages suspended in the mountains. Meet a cast of eccentric scientists and cryptic sorcerers, each wielding enigmatic powers. As the narrative unfolds, humanity faces existential threats: a virulent virus and cosmic rifts that could annihilate the world.

Set against a backdrop that is both hauntingly recognizable and captivatingly otherworldly, The Judas Kiss invites you to confront the boundaries of loyalty and betrayal in a cosmos as awe-inspiring as it is perilous.