The Best Flash Fiction on Twitter


Call it flash fiction, nanofiction, twitfic, twiction, or a dozen other names. Though the name might not yet be agreed upon, flash fiction tweets are here to stay. The premise is simple: create a whole story with only 140 characters. The twitterverse has exploded with examples over the past year, and 2011 brought innumerable stories of quality and depth.

This is a sampling of those stories, the best from the year 2011, brought to you in convenient book form.


Ben Mitchell-Lewis is a resident of New Hampshire, but tries to spend as much time as possible traveling around New England, the country, and the world. He is a graduate of Colby College and is slowly cracking into the professional writing game. Ben likes to get outside in any capacity (but especially to rock climb or ski), and travel/adventure writing is his favorite genre, though classic American novels are hard to beat.


In my search for these stories, many sources came to light. While some twiction accounts have faded into oblivion (it can be taxing to post every day, and once stalled, sometimes impossible to begin again), more arise every day. A 2011 New York Times article states that there's evidence that the literary flowering of Twitter may actually be taking place

It's not difficult to find the handful users that post often, sometimes more than once per day. Some accounts are connected to webpages like nanoism.net and picfic.wordpress.com; others are personal accounts. Personal users like @midnightstories, @arjunbasu, @twitfics are great sources of twiction. On the quest for sources of flash fiction tweets, searching hashtags can be fruitful (for example, #twiction, #twitfic, #nanoism, and so on).