The Golden Moon: Maria's Adventures on the High Seas

This mystery/adventure, also a wholesome love-story for teens, unfolds in both Present-Day and Flashback modes. Teenager, Maria, emerging from a coma, struggles to remember her transatlantic cruise before the tragedy. In Flashback mode, the reader finds Maria cruising the Golden Moon with her aunt, the Chief Purser. Uncomfortable on the ocean, insecure amidst gifted musicians, Maria meets a handsome teen, Jeff (her first crush), and as they attempt to solve a shipboard mystery, her confidence grows.

The reader is treated to an Italian cruise, beautiful ports-of-call and art works by the Masters. Romance is everywhere, but sly and dangerous characters abound. Maria anticipates her mother joining her and then visiting her grandfather’s Villa. Then tragedy strikes. In the Present-Day segments, recovering from her injuries on one of Rome’s seven hills, Maria gradually learns the fate of her friends.