Skinhead Girl
註釋J.W. Gregorys Skinhead Girl is based on the true story of a white supremacist skinhead girl who is involved in a murder. This book examines the actual hate crime while illustrating the secret interworkings of several authentic white supremacist groups including the Ku Klux Klan, the National Alliance and Volksfront. While the crime story evolves so does the narrative of the institutional racism that permeates society in the United States, in both past and present eras, and alarmingly through insitutions such as Planned Parenthood. This deeply documented book includes academic footnotes for readers that would like to follow the reality of American racism today. This work contains an in depth look at the life of a young Skinhead girl from various perspectives inluding her beliefs on religion, politics and race.

Skinhead Girl tells the story of a devoutly religious white supremacist family which is using newfound tactics and technology to reign terror on those that they consider members of inferior races. J.W. Gregory provides a realistic version of racism and argues that although Americans may assume that because the U.S. has an African-American in the White House that racism is no longer a problem, while in reality the number of white supremacist groups grow in number year after year. White supremacist groups continue to use their system of the secretive cellular divide while permeating into the very fabric of America. Skinhead girl believes that every individual action makes a difference in what she sees as Americas white power race war. The current events in Egypt clearly reflect how individuals can utilize the power of the Internet to make change happen. Think about it. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Meade -