
Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 10 

The A mdo Tibetan Lab rtse Ritual by Kelsang Norbu 

Childbirth and Childcare in Rdo sbis Tibetan Township by Klu mo tshe ring and Gerald Roche 

Dmu rdo: A Powerful Hero and Mountain Deityby G.yung 'brug and Rin chen rdo rje 

Echoes from Si gang lih: Burao Yilu's 'Moon Mountain' by Mark Bender 

The Failure of Vocational Training in Tibetan Areas of China by Shiyong, Wang 

Fuel and Solar Cooker Impact in Ya na gdung Village, Gcan tsha County, Mtsho sngon (Qinghai) Provinceby Rdo rje don 'grub 

"I, Ya ri a bsod, Am a Dog": The Life and Music of a Tibetan Mendicant Singer by Skal dbang skyid, Sha bo don sgrub rdo rje, Sgrol ma mtsho, Gerald Roche, Eric Schweickert, and Dpa' rtse rgyal 

Purity and Fortune in Phug sde Village Rituals by Sa mtsho skyid and Gerald Roche Rgyas bzang Tibetan Tribe Hunting Lore by Bkra shis dpal 'bar

sa.bə: A Tibetan Rite of Passage by Lhundrom 

Muulasan Mongghul by Limusishiden 

Story - Fate by Gelsang Lhamu  

A Stolen Journey by Blo bzang tshe ring 

Is It Karma? by Pad ma rgya mtsho


Bear and Rabbit (I) by G.yu lha Folklore 

Bear and Rabbit (II) by Snying dkar skyid Folklore 

The Frog Boy and His Family by Chodpay lhamo 

Mchig nges and Repaying a Debt of Gratitude by Zla ba sgrol ma