Beyond Birkun
The Third Book in the Promise of the Stones Series
出版iUniverse, 2012-08-30
主題Fiction / Fantasy / General

Peace reigns over the land. The sorcerer Mellette is sealed within his catacombs, Emory and Erin happily reside in Wizardmont, and Tostan and Maria are making a life together in Fortun. Nevertheless, Tostan is troubled. Trading horses barely calms his warrior spirit, while Emorys continuing blindness nags at his heart. Challenged to do something about his friends affliction, Tostan leaves his comfortable life behind and embarks upon a dangerous quest for a cure.

Ride with Tostan and his warhorse Surefoot as they travel beyond Birkun to the land of the fiercely independent Druids. Walk with Tostan amidst the solar stones and tarandu as he makes new friends, debates skeptic leaders, and engages mistrustful rivals. Watch and listen as they take the measure of Tostan and his quest. Will Tostans abilities negotiate the political intrigues and overcome the mistrust of the Druids? Can he find a cure before the sharp knives of the Toblarian Assassins find him?

The friendship of Tostan and Emory was forged in childhood and tempered at Wizardmont and Bryunzet. It binds them together, like brothers. They have each sacrificed much to keep their friendship strong. How much more is Tostan willing to sacrifice?