Leben für die Forschung
註釋This book features the scientific work of Dr. Wilhelm Hein and concentrates on his research in southern Arabia during the years 1901-1902. Dr. Hein's scientific findings would have been impossible without the active support of his wife, Marie. It was only with her assistance, after his early death, that the wide-ranging conclusions from his expedition could be drawn. This biography is set in the framework of Central European anthropology and ethnology at the end of the 19th century. The development of Austrian ethnology, ethnography and Oriental Studies during this period is demonstrated through descriptions of other researchers in these fields and related scientific institutions. These institutions were held in high esteem at the time, providing networks that offered scientists the necessary basis for their explorations and discoveries. Wilhelm and Marie Hein were exceptional examples among these scholarly explorers. The main body of the book describes the expedition of the Hein couple to southern Arabia, its subsequent results and their reception. A vivid picture of the life and work of the couple is represented by quotations from private letters and various other documents. The appendix contains copies of handwritten letters of the Heins, various notes and a number of sketches and illustrations. These documents clearly demonstrate the enormous role Marie Hein had in her husband's scientific investigations. Her work enabled the detailed analysis of the couple's life and impact, finding herewith a late acknowledgment.