Twenty Poems to Pray

2020 Catholic Press Association honorable mention award, poetry

Drawing from the poetry of generations of esteemed writers, Gary Bouchard shows how poems often express the longings of the human heart as a kind of prayer. Emily Dickinson, Rev. Rowan Williams, Pope John Paul II, Christina Rossetti, Robert Frost, and Fr. Kilian McDonnell, OSB, among others, offer readers an inspiring path to reflect upon and pray with poetic verse.

Arranged under six engaging themes, each selection uses the words of poets as vehicles to prompt "heaven in ordinary" or to praise like "exalted manna"; to find the right "paraphrase" for your own soul or maybe sense your "soul's blood"; to muster up from your grief or anger "reversed thunder" or dare to articulate from your own personal anguish "Christ-side-piercing spear."