The Adventures of Kirby
註釋Come join Kirby, a small cricket on a quest to find the Armor of GOD. Learn valuable lessons of faith building by transforming your babe into a mature warrior by joining the army of Adonai, our GOD, who seeks to expand his kingdom through those who will accept him. March through his kingdom, an olive grove that points the way to his son, who has been seen displaying the armor that Kirby is searching for! Get ready to receive honor as kings from the one true king in an adventure sure to enrich your child's life, while they meet certain watchmen portrayed as lovable woodland characters who live in the kingdom. Sound the alarm! With the preparation of the gospel of peace as they move forward and are encouraged to dance in worship with the butterflies in a victorious procession. Acquire the belt of truth that displays and teaches the weapons of warfare to overcome any gloomy circumstance. Display the breastplate of righteousness as they overcome evil by making good choices by drawing a line and learning to stand firm behind the shield of faith. Rejoice with your child as they surrender their soul and receive the helmet of salvation; the crown of a king who has received honor by learning to wield the sword of the spirit as one who is fully armed and ready for battle!