His Mission ... His Passion ... Education

The author takes the readers on a very personal journey in the life of her father. She demonstrates how he developed a passion for learning. His mother instilled the importance of education in him and his siblings when they were very young. His selflessness comes to the forefront by sharing what he learned and lifting others along the way.

Her father realized that obstacles can be learning tools if lessons are taken from each stumbling block. He navigated his way out of poverty, and his name became synonymous with education, teaching, and two highly recognized schools in the country.

During his final days, as he began his incredible journey to the other side, vivid descriptions and detailed accounts of his visions were relayed. Some proved to be beyond human understanding. Even on his deathbed, his deep passion for education remained his primary goal.

His Mission His Passion Education shares the story of a dedicated and inspiring teacher who made it his mission to use his gifts to educate and motivate not only students but teachers as well.