"Grief Counselling: The Role of Social Workers" delves into the profound and complex realm of grief, offering an insightful exploration of its various facets and the pivotal role that social workers play in providing effective support and guidance to individuals navigating the grief journey. This comprehensive book aims to equip seasoned professionals and aspiring social workers with the knowledge, skills, and understanding necessary to facilitate healing and resilience in the face of loss.
Part 1: What is Grief
Part 2: The Role of Social Workers in Grief Counselling
Part 3: Therapeutic Approaches in Grief Counselling
Part 4: Navigating Grief Counselling
"Grief Counselling: The Role of Social Workers" stands as a comprehensive resource for both practitioners and students in the field, offering a deep understanding of grief, a nuanced view of social workers' roles, a toolkit of therapeutic approaches, and the wisdom to navigate ethical complexities. This book is an indispensable guide to fostering healing, resilience, and transformation in the lives of those experiencing grief.