Military Dirty Little Secrets
註釋This book has been in the making for over 40 years. As the author of 25 non-fiction books and because this book would be about pain, I kept putting other books before it. After all who in their right mind, want to be in pain. However, after 40 years, I felt it was just time, to not just walk through the pain, but to write a book that could not just help me heal from my painful memories, but also a book that could help others that have been left BROKE and BROKEN by the military. When I signed up to serve my country in the U.S. Army, I was on active duty from Nov. 1, 1977 - May 15, 1981. I was in the FIRST GROUP of women that ever trained alongside of men in the U.S. Army, and believe me it was a total fail -- as you will see as you continue to read this book. So I guess you can say we were all 'guinea pigs' for the U.S. Army and Department of Defense. Despite some of the obstacles I had to face as a female and African American, I will never forget my time in the military -- my 3 and a half year TOUR OF DUTY. First of all "I want to thank all veterans for their service." When you go on active duty in the military, no two persons will ever have the same experiences. For some it might be fun and exciting and for others, it might be a total nightmare, especially during war times so my heart goes out to any soldiers, especially during war times. This book is about my military story over 40 years ago -- not during war times. The war was the 'internal suffering' that I experienced alongside of many other male and female soldiers, who served alongside of me. The atrocities that we experienced and witnessed at the hands of 'out of control', 'above the law' non-commissioned and commissioned officers, who were low and high ranking sergeants and officers, need to be exposed so that healing can finally take place. We all were brought up with value systems and all we wanted to do was serve our country in a honorable manner, however, at every turn we were met with shame, disappointment and pain. For many, such as myself, the pain came from the fact that I was a female and African American. It grew into such a giant force that many soldiers like myself, had no other choice but to 'go along to get along' -- just to be able to complete our tour of duty. Instead of looking at a career in the military, because of the unlawfulness that we faced daily, our only goals were to get back home and bring our lives back to some sense of normalcy. Enjoy reading!