Little Theater

A very special pearl is found in a New Orleans Oyster Bar, a nun loses it on a flight from San Francisco, a hostess has an epic dessert fail, a fantasy of outwitting terrorists and saving the passengers on a plane, motoring around in a big plastic egg we have a frank conversation with God, an annoying kidnap victim is gratefully released, and we learn why there are more dust bunnies in your house than there used to be, and also the consequences of being fat in a future California, these short short illustrated stories wheel freely wherever they must.

The stories in FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE travel from Thailand to Tibet to Morocco and Southern Spain. Two young members of the Peace Corp steal a tractor and invent a new sport that they bring back to the Smoky Mountains; an English couple break up in Thailand over sexy little dancers, and a group of young American travelers get more than they bargained for in 1972 Morroco and Southern Spain.

ROTTEN LOVE STORIES follows a Barrons Top 100 Money Manager to a farmhouse in France where she beds a future scientist forty years her junior, a woman tries several strategies to curtail men in the office acting badly and finally settles on simply meeting his wife and kids, a boy from Slovakia finds his way to a fortune-teller in Philadelphia who tells all, and a successful architect husband takes a break from his fat wife.

LONG STORY SHORT includes lots of weird cartoons like an Egyptian Mummy holding hands with her daughter; a fake invisible man getting in a fight with a real invisible man, and the story of valiant pugs saving the day.

The stories in HEADS and TALES include lots of full-page illustrations; a liberated woman with a very high hat of hair; a clown who gets arrested; a dancing granny, a robotic snake that wreaks havoc in the U.S. House of Representatives; and a UFO in Tuscany.

Her other collection of illustrated short shorts, Most Likely to Succeed, is nonfiction with recipes. Little Theater and Most Likely to Succeed are picture books for adults. Filled with the award-winning artist's original illustrations, each story can be enjoyed start to finish in a minute or two, a break from the constant digital incoming.