The Parameters of Our Cage
註釋In January 2020, Alec Soth received a letter from Chris Fausto Cabrera, an inmate of theMinnesota Correctional Facility in Rush City, asking the photographer to engage in adialogue. This sparked an expansive and insightful correspondence over the followingnine months, set against the backdrop of the Covid19 pandemic, Black Lives MatterMovement, and growing unrest, which reaches to the heart of contemporary America.In amongst their exchanges of personal histories and shared influences ? from RalphEllison?s The Invisible Man and André 3000 to Robert Frank?s The Americans and Rilke?sLetters to a Young Poet ? developed a searing investigation of the redemptive power ofart and the imagination, justice and accountability, life inside America?s prisons, and theastonishing capacity of empathy and curiosity to bring two people together.In December 2023, a board led by the Minnesota Governor voted unanimously for thecommutation of Cabrera?s sentence. This expanded edition of The Parameters of OurCage includes a new conversation between Cabrera and Soth, recorded when they metin person for the first time, which discusses confronting life postincarceration.