..".[This is] the kind of book that inspires and invites change... the 'tipping point' that students need to become more aware, involved, and engaged in their schools, communities and societies." -Jennifer Klein, DePaul UniversityThis Second Edition of The Engaged Sociologist: Connecting the Classroom to the Community brings the public sociology movement into the classroom by showing students how to use the tools of sociology to become effective participants in our democratic society. Through exercises and projects, authors Kathleen Korgen and Jonathan M. White encourage students to apply these tools to get hands-on training in sociology and to develop their sociological imaginations as they work for a more just and civil society. *10% of the proceeds from this book will be donated to Free the Children*New and Retained Features *new* Updated and additional exercises and projects, including more global activities, allow students to connect the sociological knowledge they are learning to their campus and the larger community. Each chapter contains both hands-on data collection exercises (surveys, interviews, observations) and library-based research. *new* Increased connection to theory helps students see how their practical efforts are grounded in sociological research and theory. *new* Enhanced "Sociologist in Action" sections include powerful examples of how sociology students and professional sociologists use sociology in efforts to improve society. More examples of student "Sociologists in Action" have been added to this edition. *new* More material on the environment, including expanded discussions of Hurricane Katrina and its outcomes as well as of global warming, provides more coverage of a hot-button topic of concern to many students, engaging their interest and encouraging them to act to improve environmental issues. Discussion questions challenge students to ponder and converse about what they've learned and to use their sociological imagination to relate the issues covered in each chapter to their individual lives. Ancillaries - *new* Instructors' Resources on CD-Rom, featuring a test bank, are available to qualified instructors by contacting Customer Care at 1-800-818-SAGE (7243) between 6 am - 5 pm, PST. - *new* A new student study site at www.pineforge.com/korgen2study features Web addresses that link to helpful organizations; additional exercises for several chapters; a survey, a scoring sheet, and interview guidelines for the last chapter; and resources for job and volunteer opportunities. Intended Audience: This is an ideal supplement or affordable, brief stand-alone, core text for courses in which the instructor wishes to include a public sociology component, particularly Introduction to Sociology, Principles of Sociology, Social Problems, or Applied Sociology. "The Engaged Sociologist will help students connect their own lives to the larger society, as they learn about the 'sociological imagination' and the power it has to positively affect the community."-SirReadaLot.org