'Converging Or Diverging Interests?
A Two-stage Cohort Study of the Determinants of Employee Attitudes to the Workplace Relations Act'
出版School of Industrial Relations and Organisational Behaviour, University of New South Wales, 2000
註釋When the Workplace Relations Act 1996 was introduced by the current government in 1996, it was justified on the basis that it provided a regulatory framework which allowed firms to structure their industrial relations practices to suit their own needs and those of their employees. It was argued at the time the Act would provide a basis for generating more productive workplaces and more harmonious employment relations. This view, which is inherently unitarist in orientation, runs counter to the general view of the nature of employment relationships and, within the industrial relations literature, the argument that the Act was intended to undermine the position of unions and provide greater scope for firms to exercise managerial perogative in their own interests. The two-stage analysis allows us to identify changes in attitudes as individuals gain knowledge and experience of the new industrial relations reality. The findings provide support for the view that attitudes are likely to be shaped by differences in worker experiences identified in terms of their workplace vulnerability or their political and union values.