On the Cultivation of Gardens
註釋Walafrid Strabo was born in the later years of the reign of Emperor Charlemagne, in 808 or 809. He came from the area in southwest Germany then called Alemannia, which included the modern province of Baden-Württemberg, and which bordered areas of Switzerland and France located around the Bodensee, or Lake Constance. Destined for a career as a churchman, he was dropped off by his parents at the age of eight or nine in the monastery at Reichenau, and island in the Bodensee. Here he learned to read and write Latin in the monastery school, and prepared for a life to be spent in monastic orders. He went on to become abbot of the same monastery in 838, and it was possibly during this period that he wrote his gardening book, "On the Cultivation of Gardens," widely regarded since Renaissance times as one of the great books of the early Middle Ages.