The “smoking gun” of the UFO enigma—physical proof—has, and always will be the criterion for belief in extraterrestrial life. If physical proof were eventually made public, mass hysteria would probably follow, because all we held sacred about our human origins would now be suspect. Secular and theological history, as we know it, would have to be rewritten. This is the premise of my novel: events that could occur should we learn that we are not alone in this universe.
The characters are drawn from real people. Places and events come from researched material. Time lines and certain scenes use the author’s personal experiences dealing with the enigma. Credibility comes from my military background, a member/researcher with the National Investigative Committee on Aerial Phenomena, (NICAP), and the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). A scene in The Artifacts is based on my personal experience with a military cover-up.