Business, Society and Ethics
註釋Th e ITC's initiative in taking care of the environment, society and rural people becomes more importantwhen we compare it with the initiatives of other equally large companies of the country. Very fewcompanies are so conscious of their responsibility towards society . Th ere are large numbers of businessenterprises operating in India that show no such interest in society.Why should businesses be engaged in social activities or be socially responsive? Milton Friedman 1 said:'Th e business of the business is to do business.' He had his own arguments. But time has changed. Despitethe prosperity and growth attained by countries and people in the world , a large proportion of the worldpopulation and a number of countries still face a number of problems. Some of these new problems arerelated to the environment and there is a belief that the environmental problem is the creation of business.Hence, certain measures have been taken to make business houses socially responsible, such as theconsumer movement; environmental movement; unionization of labour; and enactment of stringent lawsby government to protect consumers, investors, labour and the environment businesses are not doing theirbusiness in an ethical and socially responsible manner. Th is, therefore, requires us to fi rst understand what isbusiness ethics and social responsibility through examining the relationship between business and society.