The Works of John Knox, Volume 5: On Predestination and Other Writings
註釋Volumes One and Two: Knox's famous 'History of the Reformation in Scotland'. Apologetics as much as history, 'History of the Reformation in Scotland' was immediately seized and suppressed when it initially appeared, yet it has remained available in various editions for over 400 years.

Volume Three: 'Earliest Writings', 1548-1554

Volume Four: 'Writings from Frankfurt and Geneva'. These writings in "exile" include Knox's famous 'First Blast of the Trumpet against the Monstrous Regiment of Women', his violent diatribe against Mary of Guise.

Volume Five: 'On Predestination' and other writings. 'On Predestination, in Answer to the Cavillations by an Anabaptist' is Knox's longest theological work and presents a position of rigid predestinationism.

Volume Six: Letters, Prayer, and other shorter writings with a sketch of his life.