A Guide to Cuban Collections in the United States

Historical research on Cuba, since the ascent of Fidel Castro to power, has been an uncertain and difficult pursuit. Scholars both in and out of Cuba have faced seemingly insurmountable problems when trying to research archival records and manuscript collections--especially in light of poor Cuba-U.S. relations. As this long-needed guide to Cuban materials shows, extensive collections of Cuba-related materials exist in the United States. Although these collections are not as complete as some original collections in Cuba itself, they do offer excellent starting points for various research projects on Cuba--pending future access to original Cuban collections. This is an indispensable guide to Cuban materials for both American and Cuban scholars.

The guide is organized alphabetically by state, with each significant Cuban collection in that state listed. Perez includes U.S. government and presidential collections, since most administrations since the Revolutionary War have dealt with Cuba in one way or another. In all cases, effort was made to list only substantial and varied Cuba-related holdings. This guide will be of great value to historians, political scientists, archivists, and other researchers interested in the history of Cuba.