
 As the blue firmament is ever the same, so is the great God Himself—”the King of Ages immortal and invisible, without change or shadow of vicissitude.” But as the clouds that hang as veils of the sanctuary are movable and variegated, now dark and gloomy and again brilliant in silver or gold, now opening into vistas of the firmament above and again closing in darkness, except when arrows of light pierce them and show their outlines, so are we variable and inconstant and need spiritual direction adapted to our peculiar wants. The naturally joyous, hopeful and sometimes presumptuous, need that wholesome fear of the Lord which is “the beginning of wisdom.” The constitutionally severe, scrupulous and almost despairing, need to remember God’s tender paternal character and to learn that “His mercies are above all His works.” To such souls this little book must prove invaluable. Its theology is sound, as the various episcopal approbations testify.

Aeterna Press