The Astral Projection Kit
註釋Now you can quickly, easily, and safely learn to master the technique that so many people wish to learn—separating the consciousness from the physical body—when you get The Astral Projection Kit by Melita Denning and Osborne Phillips.

The Astral Projection Kit is one of the most powerful tools for self-realization ever. You'll learn to explore the astral plane through step-by-step exercises and discover what life is like beyond the physical body. You can find out first-hand about soul-sculpture and astral sex, and safely observe the mysteries of the after-life. Just look at what is included in this boxed kit:

·The 252-page book, The Llewellyn Practical Guide to Astral Projection, will take you though easy exercises to facilitate an out-of-body experience.
·The Deep Mind Astral Projection audiotape will guide you through the simple process of astral projection.
·A special Astral Projection Card provides a meditative focus to help you open the inner gateway to other dimensions.
·A special instruction booklet helps you to learn how to use all of these tools quickly and easily.

When you learn how to astral project, an entire universe will open for you. You will travel through time and space, meet beings from other planes of existence, and learn what secrets await you in the higher dimensions. The possibilities for what you can do with astral projection are as endless as your imagination.

Everything you need to learn astral projection is included in The Astral Projection Kit. If you want to learn this technique from two of the master teachers of Western Occultism, here is your chance. Get The Astral Projection Kit now.