註釋"Rousseau may be said to have founded the romantic movement. The great ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity, which inspired the French Revolution, were first formulated by him. He was one of the first thinkers to emphasize the importance of emotion and feeling in human affairs." - Bertrand Russell A new translation into English from the original manuscripts of Rousseau's classic and influential Les Confessions (The Confessions). This is an autobiographical work published in 1790, after his death. Here Rousseau writes about his life, his thoughts, and his experiences, revealing his innermost thoughts and feelings. The book is notable for its frankness and honesty, and for its exploration of the nature of selfhood and identity. His confessions is a romantic masterpiece of self-analysis, and a profound exploration of the nature of subjective experience. He argues that the Cartesian self is not a fixed and immutable entity, but dynamic and evolving.