Games, Puzzles and Math Excursions

The games presented here are mainly 2-person strategic board games and Solitaire Puzzles, when alone. There is a welcome difference between strategic board games and puzzles. A puzzle has a solution and once you’ve solved it, it is not that interesting any more. A strategy game can be played again and again.

Chess, the “King of all Board Games”, is not included here as it forms a subject by itself, but there are a few pre-chess puzzles. Bridge, the “Queen of all Card Games”, is also not included as Card games and Dice games involve a certain element of luck; the games here are not based on chance or probability.

Apart from Games and Puzzles, there is a small chapter on Mathematical Excursions. These are explorations of non mathematicians like me into the ways of thinking and understanding patterns that mathematicians visualise and analyse for sheer pleasure without any monetary or practical benefit. How can a chess knight’s move over a chess board be beneficial to anybody? But this exploration has been going on for 2000 years. Also, whereas Pythagoras’ Theorem was of great benefit to society, what will proving Fermat’s Theorem accomplish? For a mathematician, the overriding influence of numbers becomes his aim in life.