Exil impossible
l'errance des Juifs du paquebot St-Louis
出版L'Harmattan, 2005
註釋Relates the odyssey of the "St. Louis", which sailed from Hamburg to Havana in May 1939 with 937 Jewish refugees aboard, and returned to Europe a month later having been refused entry to Cuba or the U.S. Describes efforts, mainly by the Joint, to find alternative havens for the refugee ship in Central, South, and North America. Despite extensive media coverage of the fate of the ship in the U.S., the large Jewish organizations dared not question the administration's intransigence. America's refusal caused feelings of guilt, which after the Shoah affected both political leaders and Jewish organizations. Emphasizes Hitler's joy over the egoism of the democracies, which left the field clear for him to continue his policy of persecution. The passengers were not returned to Germany; they found refuge in France, Belgium, Holland, and England thanks to a payment of $500 per person by the Joint. Those received by England survived; the others suffered persecution and 231 perished in Nazi camps. Highlights the story of the "St. Louis" as part of the global refugee problem in the 1930s. Pp. 233-264 contain a list of the "St. Louis" passengers.