
This DSI edition contains all 3 Volumes in one binding. The type was reset for a clean look and appearance.

My long personal association with Mr. Lincoln gave me special facilities in the direction of obtaining materials for these volumes. Such were our relations during all that portion of his life when he was rising to distinction that I had only to exercise a moderate vigilance in order to gather and preserve the real data of his personal career. Being strongly drawn to the man, and believing in his destiny. I was not unobservant or careless in this respect. It thus happened that I became the personal depository of the larger part of the most valuable Lincolniana in existence. Out of this store the major portion of the materials of the following volumes has been drawn.

A facsimile edition of the original 3 volume set, published in 1888. "The object of this work is to deal with Mr. Lincoln individually and domestically; as lawyer, as citizen, as statesman."--William H. Herndon, Springfield, Illinois, 1888.