The PRICE OF INNOCENCE is a thought-provoking mystery thriller. It has been said that the sword of justice has no scabbard. Unfortunately, true justice is obscure. Legal systems can merely offer an opportunity for justice. No system designed by man can ever guarantee it. Sadly, the legal systems designed to protect us can be distorted and corrupted by malevolent human beings who misuse it not only to perpetrate the worst injustices, but also to create the illusion that they, the bad guys, hold the moral high ground.
The PRICE OF INNOCENCE is the story of a prominent respectable man falsely accused of a monstrous crime by a group that calls itself Traction. Traction claims to be governed by a fearsome "green lady" who came from another universe. She allegedly possesses bizarre powers. Traction's purpose is to spread fear and destroy this man and others like him in order to annihilate the economic, legal and social system that they represent so that Traction can exhume wealth and power from the ashes of anarchy. There are a precious few willing to recognize the seriousness of their threat or to challenge it. Murdock McCabe, a station chief for Veritus Investigations International, wades into the maelstrom. He learns to his dismay that even innocence exacts its penalty.