Computer Applications Class 10

Touchpad Computer Applications series is comprehensively designed as per the new ICSE syllabus.


? National Education Policy 2020.

? Some More Programs: This section contains additional programs related to the chapter.

? Glossary: This section contains definitions of important IT terms.

? Model Test Paper: This section contains sample question papers for practice.

? Most Common Programming Mistakes: This section contains an overview of some of the common mistakes that programmers often make while programming.

? Digital Solutions


This book will help the students to learn programming in an effective and interactive manner. This book contains an ample amount of interactive programs for the students to practice and learn programming. This book will help

the students to learn the fundamental concepts of Object-Oriented Programming in Java. The programs are designed to develop the learner’s analytical thinking, so that they are able to understand and develop programs on their own. 

To help the student understand the concept of programming, the codes are written clearly and neatly with line numbers and proper indents. These programs have been executed in the BlueJ Development Environment. All the codes are accompanied with their outputs. These codes are presented as they appear on the BlueJ platform. All the keywords appearing in the code are coloured as they appear in the platform respectively. This book also contains sample question papers to provide the learners with a grasp of what the question paper looks like.

The book also contains previous year’s questions from the past decade to cover as many questions and their variations.


You will learn about:

? Revision of Class IX Syllabus

? Class as the Basis of all Computation

? User-defined Methods

? Constructors

? Library classes

? Encapsulation

? Arrays

? String handling


Grade 10


1. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

2. Elementary Concept of Objects and Classes

3. Values and Types

4. Operators in Java

5. Input in Java

6. Mathematical Library Methods

7. Conditional Construct in Java

8. Iterative Constructs in Java

9. Nested Loop

10. Class as the Basis of all Computation

11. User-Defined Methods

12. Constructors

13. Library Classes

14. Encapsulation and Inheritance

15. Arrays

16. String Handling

17. Internal Assessment 

18. Projects 

19. Glossary 

20. Most Common Mistakes in Programming 

21. ICSE Computer Applications 2019 (Solved) 

22. ICSE Specimen Paper 2020 (Solved)