The Entitled Generation
註釋The Entitled Generation: Helping Teachers Teach and Reach the Minds and Hearts of Generation Zbrings teachers into the twenty-first century world of 24-7 technologically-wired up and social media-driven students. This book asks teachers to consider pragmatic and sensible ways to teach Gen Z and to understand the differences between today’s students and those of the past. Teachers are offered keen insights by colleagues, in terms of how Gen Z thinks, the various ways that males and females learn, and the distractions and struggles each faces by device addiction affecting today’s classrooms. American culture is perpetuating the notion that today’s students are entitled to economic and social outcomes on equal bases. Gen Z “feels” everyone should be treated as equals, receiving the same rewards for unequal efforts, thus promoting a feeling of entitlement. Teachers will understand the reality of today's American classrooms. Even with the assumed addiction to smart technology and social media, teachers can use this to their advantage and reach the minds and hearts of Gen Z to prepare them for their futures.