Food Security and Agricultural Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
Weldeghaber Kidane
Materne Maetz
Philippe Dardel
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Sub-Regional Office for Southern and East Africa
Building a Case for More Public Support : Main Report
Subregional Office for Southern and East Africa (Harare), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
, 2006
Business & Economics / Economic Conditions
Business & Economics / Industries / General
Political Science / Public Policy / Economic Policy
Political Science / World / African
Social Science / Agriculture & Food
Technology & Engineering / Agriculture / General
Technology & Engineering / Optics
"This publication contains the main report of a study championing the case for increased public support to agricultural and food security in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). It advances four main reasons why agriculture in SSA deserves more public support. The first is a moral imperative: SSA governments cannot and should not ignore a sector on which about 70 percent of their population directly depend for their livelihoods if they are serious about their commitment to MDG1. Second, in spite of its generally poor performance, SSA countries do not have any realistic strategic option that they can rely upon for achieving sustainable economic development other than agriculture. Third, there is evidence from a number of SSA countries that appropriate policies and direct public sector investment have combined to trigger agriculture sector-led economic growth. This publication argues for countries to build on their success stories and for others to explore such opportunities, taking into account their specific environmental, economic and social conditions. Fourth, on average, agriculture in SSA has generally performed better than most other sectors, except in countries endowed with mineral resources."--Publisher's description.