Australian Vocational Education & Training, 1997
註釋These two documents consist of a statistical compilation and a summary of Australian young people (aged 14-24 years) who were enrolled in vocational education and training (VET) in 1997. In 1997, 18.6% of Australian young people were enrolled in VET, approximately the same percentage as in 1996. Young people accounted for slightly more than one-third of all clients of publicly funded VET programs and almost 85% of all apprentices and trainees in 1997. Because the proportion of young people in the Australian population has been declining steadily, the number of young people in VET declined from approximately 497,600 clients (36.7% of all clients) in 1996 to 497,200 (34.1%) in 1997. Of those 497,200 young people, half were teenagers. Approximately 65% (321,500) of young people undertaking publicly funded VET in 1997 were located in New South Wales or Victoria. In 1997, males accounted for 57% of young people studying VET (versus 52% in 1996). Four courses accounted for nearly 50% of all courses undertaken by young people in 1997: nonaward courses (13.6%); certificate III (12.6%); statement of attainment (11.3%); and certificate II (11.1%). In 1997, young people had a module completion rate of 66.7% and a module fail rate of 6.2% (the national averages were 64.9% and 4.9%, respectively). (MN)