註釋Chastity as a topic is an ideal interdisciplinary consideration since it accesses iconographical representation, the philosophical issues of purity, morality, and of innocence; the legal issues of loss and punishment, the historical issues of celibacy, and the legislation that topic evoked; as well as the role of chastity as a literary topos in Late Antiquity as well as the Middle Ages, for example, in medieval commentary traditions and within medieval vernacular literatures. The topic of Chastity, as well as its opposing characteristics, thus provides an arena for a discussion of the transmission of Ovid and the commentaries this author provoked in the Middle Ages, the interpretation of images illustrating legal texts, cross-cultural enquiries, such as the reciprocity between Christian, Muslim, and Judaic interpretations of temperance, continence, and abstinence, and the theological-legal issue of “God’s rights” (in excising Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden). Contributors: Nancy van Deusen; Frank T. Coulson; Marcia L. Colish; Uta-Renate Blumenthal; Thérèse-Anne Druart; Claudia Bornholdt; Susan L’Engle; Cristian Gaspar; and Rafael Chodos.