WJEC Level 3 Unit 3 The Dynamic Tourism Industry eTextbook

This eTextbook (digital download - not a printed book) discusses the dynamic nature of the global tourism industry. It highlights the many events and challenges over which the industry has little control, but must respond to as effectively as possible. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on travel and tourism is discussed in detail. Although the eBook is provided primarily for tutors and students following the WJEC/Eduqas Level 3 Applied Award and Diploma qualifications in tourism, it will be of use to students following similar Level 3 courses, such as BTEC, NCFE and City & Guilds. 

The structure follows the Assessment Criteria for the Unit, namely:

1.1 Describe the range of external pressures on the UK tourism industry

1.2 Describe how the UK tourism industry has met the changing needs, fashions and expectations of customers

2.1 Describe recent developments in transport and technology

2.2 Discuss how the tourism industry has made use of new information and communications technology

3.1 Explain strategies used to manage important heritage and cultural attractions

3.2 Examine how sensitive tourism destinations are managed

3.3 Evaluate how the tourism industry has responded to the threat of climate change

4.1 Discuss issues facing the global tourism industry

4.2 Assess how the UK tourism industry manages current issues