The New Social Geography of Montreal
The Socio-Spatial Evolution of Income Distribution Between 1980 and 2015 in the Montreal Metropolitan Area
出版Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) - Urbanisation, Culture et Société., 2018
註釋While not a full revision of the previous analyses, this report takes advantage of the reintroduction of the long-form census in 2016 and the data released from it to update the research for the 1980-2015 period. [...] The specificity of Montreal is also various programs (in the areas of social housing visible in Figure 1.2, which shows the evolution and employment insurance, for example) and of the Gini and polarization indexes between in policies of deregulation and liberalization of neighbourhoods and households. [...] Côte-des-Neiges neighbourhood, in parts of the The main characteristic of these low-income areas South-West (such as LaSalle), in Montreal-North is their concentration in the central part of the and in a few census tracts in the western part of region. [...] Given the The 2015 map also shows the appearance of size of the central area that has experienced an new areas with very high incomes in certain increase in income of more than 10%, it is worth suburbs, notably in the West of Laval, includ- mentioning that not all areas have experienced ing all of Île-Bizard, on the North Shore around gentrification in the same way. [...] In the case of the Saint-Eustache and Terrebonne, on the South Plateau-Mont-Royal, gentrification has consisted Shore around Boucherville and Saint-Bruno, as of a renewal of the population through private well as the junction of Highways 10 and 30 (near initiatives and piecemeal public "revitalization" the large Dix-30 shopping and entertainment initiatives aimed at capitalizing on the heritage me.