註釋This special report has 36 pages and 2344 words and it deals with issues related to stress management, smoking: its effects and how to stop this deadly habit easily, hypertension and how to manage it effectively; and natural foods that can aid or reduce heart disease. Issues related to heart disease deal with in this book are 1.STRESS AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE Various strategies have been successful in treating psychological and physiological stress which has been outlined. 2.Hypertension and Cardiovascular disease Hypertension, also called High blood pressure is becoming the feature of at least ten percent o our working population. High blood pressure is a condition in which the blood pressure is abnormally high in the arteries or veins. Most physicians consider the blood pressure of healthy adult to be around 120/80. When the blood vessels lose their flexibility, or the muscle surrounding them force their contraction whereby the heart may pump more forcefully to move the same amount of blood through the narrowed vessels into the capillaries and thereby increasing the blood pressure. It is usually detected by a routine blood pressure test and in view of that, it is advisable to regularly go for routine blood pressure test. Pregnancy and use of oral contraceptives can also lead to high blood pressure. Use of oral contraceptives especially by overweight ladies can lead to high blood pressure. The narrowing of the aorta of the heart by fat/cholesterol deposit can also lead to hypertension. Despite the fatal consequences of high blood pressure, like congestive heart failure, kidney failure or stroke, if untreated; the condition responds well to medicine and other therapeutic measures. 3. 3. Smoking and heart disease Smoking is also a prime risk factor in cardiovascular diseases. Nicotine contracts the blood vessels and do release hormones that raise the blood pressure. Both effects could have an adverse effect on the heart. Smokers have distinctly higher levels of carbon (11) oxide in their blood than non-smokers. Remember that smoking darkens the lungs and heart making it to overwork. When you smoke, your heart has to work harder to pump blood through your blood vessels which had become smaller. 4. Infections and cardiovascular disease The most common infection that can lead to heart disease is rheumatic fever. In some cases the heart becomes inflamed. The best way to take care of this infection has been started. 5. Natural foods and cardiovascular disease Saturated fats are from animal sources( like meat, milk, eggs and cream) can be harmful to our heart while unsaturated fats like coconut oil, vegetable oil, corn oil, fish oil and safflower oil are useful to our heart. . Other natural foods were listed and their important to the heart and other parts of the body.