The Tax-Help Directory

Most Americans with tax problems wait for the Internal Revenue Service to take aggressive action before seeking professional help.

Thats despite the fact that an estimated 40 to 50 million people owe the IRS money. They dont seek help because they cant afford to hire a tax professional, theyre being intimidated by the IRS, or they just dont know that tax relief programs exist.

This do-it-yourself guide helps you resolve tax problems on your own. Get advice on how to:

fill out IRS forms in a way that gives you more control over the results;

keep the IRS from taking collection actions against you

trim your corporate payroll liability so the IRS cant close your company;

set up a payment plan that you can manage on your terms.

Youll also get tips on building rapport with the IRS and doing the little things that will get government workers on your side. If you work with them instead of against them, youll make your life much easier.

Owing money to the IRS can be scary, but you can meet the situation head-on and with confidence with The Tax-Help Directory.