Kitab-ı Teşrihü'l-ebdan min e't-tıb
註釋İÇİNDEKİLER İÇİNDEKİLER/VII ÖNSÖZ/IX GİRİŞ/I Mansur b. Muhammed b. Ahmed ve Eseri, Kitab-î Teşrihü'l- Ebdan min e't-Tıb / 6 Metnin Nüshaları / KİTAB-I TEŞRİHÜ'L-EBDAN /19 (Türkçe Metin) /19 GİRİŞ/23 BİRİNCİ MAKALE: KEMİKLERİN ANATOMİSİ HAKKINDA/29 Kafatası (Cranium) / 30 Üst Çene Kemiği (MaxiHa) / 32 Alt Çene Kemiği (Mandibula) / 32 Boyun Omurları (Cervical Vertebralar) / 33 Sırt Omurlan (THoracal Vertebralar) / 34 Göğüs Kemiği (Sternum) / 34 Bel Omurlan (Lumbal Vertebralar) / 34 Acz Omurlan (Sakrum) / 35 Kuyruk Sokumu Omurlan (Cocyx Vertebralan) / 35 Kürek Kemiği (Scapula) / 35 El (Kol) Kemikleri / 35 Dirsek (Cubitus) / 36 Bilek (Carpal Kemikler) / 36 Elin Tarak Kemikleri (Metacarpal Kemikler) / 36 Parmak Kemikleri (Falankslar) / 37 Kalça Kemikleri (Os Coxae) / 37 Baldır Kemikleri / 37 Topuk Kemiği (Calcaneus) / 38 Ayak Bileği Kemikleri (Tarsal Kemikleri) / 38 Ayak Tarak Kemikleri (Metatarsal Kemikler) / 38 Tırnaklar / 39 Kiriş (Tendori39) / Eklem Bağlan (Ligamentler) / 39 Kıkırdak (Cartilago) / 39 Kemiklerin Toplam Sayısı / 39 Et/40 İç Yağı / 40 Yağ / 40 Kıl / 40 Cilt (Deri) / 40 İKİNCİ MAKALE: SİNİRLERİN ANATOMİSİ HAKKINDA/41 Kafa çiftleri / 42 Omurilikten Çıkan Siniler / 44 Boyundan Çıkan Sinirler / 44 Sırt Omurlanndan Çıkan Sinirler / 45 Bel Omurlanndan Çıkan Sinirler / 46 Sakrumdan ve Kuyruk Sokumundan Çıkan Sinirler / 47 ÜÇÜNCÜ MAKALE: KASLARIN ANATOMİSİ HAKKINDA/49 DÖRDÜNCÜ MAKALE: TOPLARDAMARLARIN ANATOMİSİ HAKKINDA/53 BEŞİNCİ MAKALE: ATARDAMARLAR (ARTERLER) HAKKINDA/ 61 MÜREKKEB ORGANLAR HAKKINDA / 63 Kalp / 63 Dalak / 64 Akciğer / 65 Diyafragma / 65 Boğaz Organlan (Larynx) / 66 Küçük Dil (Uvula) / 66 Bademcikler (Amigdale, TonsiHa) / 66 Diş / 66 Dil / 66 Dudaklar / 67 Yemek Borusu / 67 Mide / 67 Bağırsaklar / 67 Bağırsaktan Örten İç yapı, Bağırsaklan Saran İç yağı yapısındaki Doku (Omentum) / 68 Böbrekler / 68 Dalak / 69 Mesane (İdrar Torbası, Vesica Urinaris) / 69 Karaciğer / 70 Safra Kesesi (Öd Kesesi, Vesica Fellae) / 71 Şuur Organlan / 71 Beyin / 71 Omurilik (Medulla Spinalis) / 72 Göz/72 Kulak / 73 Burun / 73 Üreme Organlan (Genital Organlar) / 73 Testisler / 73 Penis / 74 Rahim (Döl yatağı, Uterus) / 75 Fetüsün Doğumunun Niteliği Hakkında / 75 Doğum Sonrası Gelişimin Genel Bir Değerlendirmesi / 76 PREFACE / 83 INTRODUCTION / 85 Mansur fa. Ahmad and His Work Kitab-i Tasrih al-Abdan min al-Tibb / 90 THE BOOK ON THE HUMAN AN ATOM Y /105 (To the Name of God, Most Merciful and Most Gracious) /105 INTRODUCTION /109 FIRST ARTICLE /117 ON THE ANATOMY OF BONES /117 On the Anatomy of the Skull /119 On the Anatomy of the Upper)aw / 120 On the Anatomy of the Lower Chin / 121 On the Anatomy of the Cervical Vertebrae / 122 On the Anatomy of the Thoracic Vertebrae / 122 On the Thorddc Vertebrde (Ribs) / 123 On the Andtomy of tbe Sternum / 123 On the Andtomy of tbe Lumbdr Vertebrde /123 On the Andtomy of tbe Sdcrum /123 On tbe Andtomy of tbe Coccyx Vertebrde / 124 On tbe Andtomy of tbe Scdpuld / 124 On tbe Andtomy of tbe Bones of tbe Hdnd (Arm dnd Foredrm) / 125 On tbe Andtomy of tbe Elbow /125 On tbe Andtomy of tbe Wrist [)oint] / 125 On tbe Andtomy of tbe Metdcdrpdl Bones / 126 On tbe Andtomy of tbe Fingers /126 On tbe Andtomy of tbe Hip and [Thigh Bones] / 126 On tbe Andtomy of tbe Leg Bones / 126 On tbe Andtomy of tbe Heel Bone (Cdlcdneus) / 127 On tbe Andtomy of tbe Tdrsdl Bones / 127 On tbe Andtomy of tbe Metdtdrsdl Bones /128 On tbe Andtomy of tbe Ndils /128 On tbe Andtomy of tbe Tendons / 128 On tbe Andtomy of tbe Liçjdments /128 On tbe Andtomy of the Cdrtildge / 129 Tbe Totdl Numbers of the Bones / 129 On the Andtomy of Muscles /129 On the Andtomy of Serb (Omentum) /129 On the Andtomy of Fdt /129 On the Andtomy of Hdir / 129 On the Andtomy of Skin / 129 SECOND ARTICLE /131 ON THE ANATOMY OF NERVES /131 On the Andtomy of the Crdnidl Nerves /132 On the Andtomy of the Spindl Nerves / 135 On the Andtomy of the Thordcdl Nerves / 136 On tbe Andtomy of the Lumbdl Nerves / 138 The Andtomy of the Sdcrdl Nerves / 138 THIRD ARTICLE /141 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE MUSCLES /141 FOURTH ARTICLE /145 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE VEINS / 145 FIFTH ARTICLE/153 ON THE AN ATOM Y OF ARTERIES / 153 On the Heart / 156 On the Spleen /157 On the Lungs/157 On the Diaphragm /157 On the Uvula / 159 On the Tonsils / 159 On the Tongue / 159 On the Lips / 159 On the Oesophagus / 159 On the Stomach / 159 On the Intestines /160 The Membrane inside of the lntestines and the Fatty Structure aro\AY\d the lntestines (The Omentum) / 161 On the Kidneys / 161 On the Spleen /161 The Bladder / 162 The Liver / 162 The Gali Bladder /163 The Brain /164 The Spinal Medulla / 164 The Eyes / 165 The Ear /166 The Nose / 166 The Genital Organs / 166 The Testis /166 The Penis /167 The Uterus / 167 The Description of the Properties of the Foetus / 168 The Description of the Function of Birth / 169 FARSÇA METİN /177.