
Poem is like an art that tells people how somebody’s mind is working. Happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, and other feelings can be easily seen in the words they’ve written. I let myself feel what I felt in the past to be able to create all of the poems in this book. For those who currently embark on the journey of loving themselves, this book is for you. For those who currently experience love, this book is also for you.

My mind is the most chaotic city you have ever seen and I’m not talking about the holiday season when traffics are the worst thing. My mind is the most chaotic city every day. Memories, people, and feelings are bumped into each other and they create flames that burn my soul. Those are the gasoline that I swallow every time I carve the words into my empty paper for you to read and feel me.


Seperti burung, saya terbang dan jatuh beberapa kali. Sayap saya yang terluka membantu saya membuat bab kedua dalam buku ini berjudul "CINTA". Itu ada hubungannya dengan perasaan romantis saya sebagai manusia. Jika Anda menggabungkan keduanya, Anda mendapatkan "DIRI" dan "CINTA". Sebagai penulis buku ini, semua puisi yang saya tulis di sini sangat membantu saya untuk berkembang. Jadi, saya berharap siapa pun yang memegang buku ini dan berencana membacanya akan menyentuh hati Anda dan semoga membuat Anda tersenyum seterang matahari di pagi hari.