A Grassroots Guide That Provides Information, Advice and Insider Tips for Professional Speaking
出版CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013-06-20
主題Self-Help / General
註釋So You Want to Go Pro is a grassroots guide that provides information, advice and insider tips for Professional Speaking. Seven presenters from the Speaker's Think Tank share the tips & techniques that helped them make it to the Big Stage and Go Pro. Techniques that you can use to do the same - no matter what size of stage you are speaking on or what stage of your Professional Speaking career you are at. Insider tips that include everything from going from "Free" to "Fee", how to use Social Media to promote yourself, how to build your credibility as a speaker, how to develop your brand, what to include on your one page sell sheet, the best ways to customize your presentations, and even how to go from a Speaker to Writer. Be sure to also check out Big Ideas for the Big Stage a terrific book that can help anyone become a better speaker and presenter.